Aza Maninana An'i Trimondahy.
This proverb advises against challenging forces or entities that are more powerful than oneself, such as Trimondahy, a mythical being in Malagasy culture. Similar to the English proverb “Don’t play with fire,” it warns of the inherent dangers in confronting what is beyond our understanding or control. In modern life, this could mean avoiding situations or people that could harm us because they are too powerful or too complex to handle.
- Sikidin-Drahivina : Raha Tsy Lahy, Vavy.
- Andriamanitra Tsy Andrin'ny Olona Andriko Ihany.
- Harem-Bery Foana Toy Ny Menaka Ahoso-Bazimba.
- Mandeha Irery, Sahalain'andriamanitra ; Mandeha Roa, Sahalain'olombelona.
- Haitraitr'olombelona, Zaka-Nahary, Fa Andriamanitra Ihany No Mandidy.
- Rafotsibe Mita Rano: Izay Hahasoa Ataovin'andriamanitra, Na Ho Rendrika, Na Ho Tafita.
- Aza Mandika Ny Soan-Janahary.
- Toy Ny Atodin'anganga : Ka Avela, Mahafaty Raibe ; Entina, Mahafaty Renibe.
- Tany Mainty Tsy Mba Vazimba.
- Tolo-Kena Maty Jiro, Ka Vintana No Andrasana.